My hobbies

• I am looking forward to engage myself technically in all prospects of the digitalisation of the ongiong generations.

• Working on any kind of ledgering is my hobby.

• I play basketball and regualry cycle every week.

I play guitar and work on multiple guitar music variations.

• Apart, I am engaged in writing articles and co-authored works and had got one of my works published.

• I am a supporter of green Technology revolutions and sustainable development. I am ready to actively work on any innovative sustainability projects.

•Here are some of the sustainability insights summary:

Sustainability Statistics:

• The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic in March 2020, putting numerous countries into lockdown.

• The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the green technology and sustainability business. Over the forecasted timeframe, altering consumer choices and behavior due to the changing worldwide pandemic environment will have a significant impact on the growth of the market.

The IoT segment led the market in 2021 and accounted for over 40.0% share of the global revenue. Other technology segments of the market include IoT, AI and analytics, cloud computing, digital twin, security and blockchain.
• Several firms are also utilizing blockchain to make energy networks more accessible and sustainable by encouraging real-time data exchange.

• Energy-intensive cryptocurrency mining has increased carbon emissions, and blockchain has the potential to drive green technology innovation. The blockchain technology category is predicted to have the most significant market size during the forecast period.


You are welcome to contact and connect me with any such projects through my social handle.
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